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How Telehealth is Helping Patients Around the World

How Telehealth is Helping Patients Around the World

During the pandemic, from education to businesses, everything has shifted online. People have realized how to use technology to connect across the globe and save their time and money. Among many other things, telehealth services have also gained popularity and helped thousands of people. This blog post will discuss how telehealth is helping patients around the world.

Timely Treatments
Research shows that many people lose their lives because they’re not diagnosed and treated on time. Timely diagnosis and treatment can increase chances of survival and prevent a life-threatening disease from getting worse. Cancer and many other deadly diseases often start with something as simple as a headache and gradually develop when left undiagnosed. The doctors believe that even the most deadly diseases can be prevented or cured if patients are diagnosed on time.

Why do then so many people ignore their symptoms and not get diagnosed in the early stages of their illness? Research shows that Americans avoid visiting doctors because they can’t afford it or think it is too much hassle to find an affordable and suitable doctor on time. They do not want to spend thousands of dollars and waste hours in traffic just for a routine checkup.

Telehealth can help with timely diagnosis and treatment by encouraging people to get in touch with a virtual doctor even if they notice something that doesn’t seem too serious. After all, a virtual appointment is like a random phone call to your friend that takes hardly a few minutes. With the help of the latest online medical care tools and monitoring devices, doctors can assess people and listen to them from their homes’ comfort. If they find out anything worrisome, they can suggest relevant tests and help you with timely diagnosis and treatment.

No-Risk of Catching a Disease
Ironically, health care centers are one of the most dangerous places where people are exposed to all sorts of viruses and diseases. According to the CDC, it estimates 2 million people in the United States acquire infections at hospitals, and 99,000 people even lose their lives. It is very common for people to visit a hospital to get checked for a simple cough or cold and return home having being affected by a serious illness.

People have realized this risk during the Pandemic and started using telehealth services. A virtual appointment is sufficient for most general checkups and follow-up appointments. The doctors can easily assess what is necessary for them to know and advise patients accordingly.

Get in touch with GetCare MD today to book an appointment with a virtual doctor. If you have noticed any unexplainable changes in your health, it is necessary to get it checked. We can instantly connect you with an experienced and suitable healthcare provider through our chat.

