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3 Most Common Viral Diseases and How to Avoid Them

3 Most Common Viral Diseases and How to Avoid Them

According to scientific research and healthcare services, viruses are the smallest and simplest forms of life, consisting of genetic code and a coat of protein. Unlike all other kingdoms, viruses cannot replicate on their own. In fact, they need a host cell to grow and replicate in.



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Image Alt Text: Person having a cold, requiring healthcare services

How Do Viruses Infect?
Lifeforms other than viruses are composed of cells that have the necessary machinery to produce new cellular components. Cells also have a genetic code, which has instructions for this cell machinery.

Viruses are unique because they have the reproductive instructions in the form of a genetic code, but they lack the cellular machinery required to replicate.


Hence, viruses reproduce by hijacking the reproductive machinery of other living cells and using those cells to reproduce. When viruses encounter a cell, they inject their genetic code into the host cell. The host cell has no way to distinguish the viral genetic from its own. Hence, the viral genetic code is read by the cell’s reproductive machinery. The reproductive machinery makes new virus cells rather than reproducing its own cellular proteins.


When enough viruses have been created, the host cell explodes, and numerous viruses are released to infect other host cells and cause viral diseases.


Here are some of the most common viral diseases.

1- Common Cold
Cold and flu are both respiratory illnesses with similar symptoms, and both of these diseases are caused by viruses. However, there are major differences between the two. The common symptoms of common cold and flu include:

●      sneezing

●      fatigue

●      stuffy or runny nose


You should consult an online doctor to know if you have a common cold or flu.

Cold is transmitted from person to person through coughs and sneezes. To avoid contracting the disease, wear a mask and practice social distancing.





2- Flu
Influenza (flu) has the same symptoms as cold during the first stages of the disease. However, the flu can develop into a disease much more severe than a common cold.


Flu can lead to serious health problems such as:

●      ear infections

●      sinusitis

●      sepsis

●      pneumonia


Both cold and flu are contagious, which means that you contract the disease from others and infect others if you have a cold or flu. You can avoid this by washing your hands, avoiding sick people, boosting immunity, and quarantining yourself if you have the disease.

3- Herpes (HSV)
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is one of the most common viral diseases in the world. According to WHO, 67% of the world’s population has HSV-1, whereas 11% have HSV-2 virus. People who have the virus live with it for the rest of their lives. However, the symptoms are mild, and some people who have the virus never develop any symptoms.


Since herpes is an STD, having safe sex can significantly reduce the chances of contracting the disease.




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Image Alt Text: Virus patient having an online doctor consultation

Get Online Medical Consultation Immediately
Even though you can take necessary precautions to avoid the viruses, you can still contract one. If you have symptoms of any of the viruses mentioned above, you should immediately contact a doctor. But, since most viruses require you to be quarantined, we advise you to go for online doctor consultation.


At GetCareMD, we offer doctor advice online to patients all around the globe. The process of checkup and getting an online doctor prescription is cheap and follows quality medical procedures.


Reach out to us and book an appointment with our highly-qualified virtual doctors.
