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Effects of Anxiety on Your Body

Effects of Anxiety on Your Body

People battling anxiety frequently feel nervous, afraid, or worried about ordinary events. Feeling all this can be difficult to manage and upsetting. These strong feelings can make doing everyday stuff challenging.

In addition to these mental symptoms, people battling anxiety can also observe some physical symptoms. These symptoms may include feeling sick, sweaty hands, and shaky legs.

People might probably link these symptoms to nervousness. However, nothing could be said by certainty until the proper diagnosis.

People often experience anxiety or feel anxious on specific occasions. However, you may never know when might this anxiety turn into a serious disorder, causing significant interference or distress in your life. This blog will help you understand the types of anxiety and how they can affect your body. Continue reading to learn more.

Types of anxiety

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety
  • Separation anxiety
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Phobias

Some anxiety types have unique symptoms. However, all these symptoms are specific to the fear that’s linked with anxiety.

Find out more about physical symptoms of anxiety and their effect on the body.

Anxiety: Physical Symptoms

  • Insomnia or issues related to sleeping, such as frequently waking up in the night
  • Headache
  • Nausea, stomach pain, or digestive trouble
  • Shortness of breath or rapid breathing
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Increased heart rate or pounding heart
  • Sweating
  • Muscle pain or tension

Some specific anxiety types can have additional physical symptoms. For instance, people having a panic attack can:

  • Fear that they might die
  • Feel as if they’re chocking or have trouble breathing
  • Have tingling or numb sensations in any parts of their body
  • Feel dizzy, lightheaded, or as if they might pass out
  • Have chest pain
  • Feel chills or overheated

Important Facts

Anxiety is the natural response of your body against stress. It is how your body prepares you for any upcoming threat, challenge, or problem and helps you deal with it. Its also known as the fight-or-flight response of the body.

The rapid breath you experience in dangerous situations is your body consuming more oxygen in case you require it. However, this can make you feel that you’re not getting enough air. This can trigger further panic and anxiety.

The human body is made in a manner that it cant stay alert all the time. Always staying in a Fight or fight style can lead to  chronic anxiety, which can have serious and adverse effects on your life and body

Tense muscles can prepare you to get quickly out of danger. However, if constantly tensed, muscles can lead to pain in your body, migraines, and tension headaches.

The hormones cortisol and adrenalin are responsible for increased breathing and heartbeat. This can be helpful while facing an enemy. But excess of these hormones can adversely affect your blood sugar and digestion.

If you often experience feelings of anxiety or stress, it is best to seek treatment. Finding the right doctor to control any such serious problems can be daunting and expensive. However, with reliable online doctor consultation at GetCareMD, you can keep yourself from paying a hefty amount in personal therapy and wasting precious time in finding an expert. Visit our website for more details.
