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How To Know If You Have Acne-Prone Skin

How To Know If You Have Acne-Prone Skin

Everyone develops acne at some point in their life. It can be related to hormonal changes, or it could be due to oily or dry skin. However, people with combination skin types (both oily and dry) can develop acne too. Caring for acne-prone skin is not just about applying products. Necessary lifestyle changes such as a new skincare routine are essential, along with changing eating habits. Eating too much junk food or oily food can result in a flare-up.

Here is some expert advice from popping those pimples to efficient medical treatments.

Types Of Acne:

There are two types of acne:

1. Noninflammatory

This type of acne is related to clogged pores that appear as whiteheads and blackheads. Noninflammatory acne is mild, and it’s easy to spot on your face. Blackheads appear dark and flat on the skin, while whiteheads are small skin-colored bumps.

2. Inflammatory

Any bump that has a red appearance is potentially inflammatory acne. It ranges from papules, pustules to more severe type acne that includes cysts and nodules. Papules are small red bumps on your skin, while pustules are bumps that contain pus inside them. There is another type of acne that grows within the skin, and It’s painful. These bumps are larger than the usual pimples and painful if you press them.

Tip and Tricks To Avoid Acne:

Using products does not resolve acne issues. It requires careful cleansing habits and some discipline. Here are some tips and tricks to take care of acne-prone skin:

Wash Your Face Twice A Day

Make a habit of washing your face after you wake up and before going to bed at night. If you have oily skin, then doing it more than twice a day is not bad. Otherwise, it can irritate and damage your skin.

Avoid Harsh Exfoliants and Scrubs

Acne is not related to dirt. So, scrubbing hard and using harsh exfoliants regularly won’t help you, and it can lead to even worse breakouts and redness.

Don’t Pick or Pop Them!

Popping your pimple might be super-tempting. But that temptation will quickly turn into regret when it scars your skin. Popping pimples does not only leave scars; it also transfers bacteria that can cause inflammation.

Stay Hydrated

Keeping yourself hydrated is the best way to fight the excess oil off your skin that leads to acne. There’s no harm in drinking 8-ounce glasses a day.

If you’re looking to get a consultation. You can visit GetCareMD and schedule healthcare appointments online. Our medical experts are always available to help. We also offer medical emergency services online.
