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Medical IoT: How It’s Changing Our Lives

Medical IoT: How It’s Changing Our Lives

Medical IoT (Internet of Things) goes beyond analytical systems and wearables. It’s an entire ecosystem that connects devices, sensors, and hardware, among other things, to a network that accumulates and assesses data in a real-time, fast, and accurate process. It delivers valuable information to healthcare centers which helps improve healthcare outcomes.

IoT is transforming the healthcare industry in a multitude of positive ways. IoT-enabled sensors and devices allow both providers and patients to track vital health parameters in real-time and create customized treatment plans for chronic illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes.

According to the Market Research Engine, IoT for healthcare – with a projected CAGR of 30% between 2019 and 2025 – is one of the most critical and fastest growing sectors in the tech revolution we’re living today.

Let’s look at some of the most exciting ways in which medical IoT is changing our lives.

Operations Management In Hospitals
With populations, and consequently, chronic illnesses continuing to rise, it’s critical to enhance and optimize healthcare facility operations so providers can spend more time on treating patients instead of getting caught up with paperwork and other administrative work.

IoT solutions can automate a variety of administrative tasks. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) transponders or tags are a good example. These help enable faster and more accurate inventory tracking for pharmaceuticals and medicine, staff and patient tracking, and the tracking of tools in a surgical setting.

With telehealth and telemedicine solutions, patients can receive healthcare in a remote, private environment instead of emergency care facilities and hospitals. This isn’t only more convenient for patients, as it eliminates the need to travel and wait for doctor’s appointments, but also safer when you consider that we’re currently in the midst of a global pandemic.

Remote Patient Monitoring
This goes way beyond your regular smartwatches and fitness apps. While wearable devices certainly promote positive health trends and facilitate healthy habits, medical IoT offers a more diverse range of biosensors that can track a multitude of critical health parameters, and provide doctors with detailed insight into the correlations and patterns that are vital to a patient’s health. Some well-known examples of these devices include:

·       Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM)

·       Ingestible sensors

·       Depression and mood monitors


A premier provider of online medical care, GetCareMD offers safe virtual consultation appointments, providing you the security and privacy you need to discuss your healthcare needs, refill prescriptions, get answers with needing to leave the comfort of your home. Get in touch with them to learn more.
