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Urinary Tract Infection in Male Teens: Care Instructions

Urinary Tract Infection in Male

Guidelines for Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in boys are caused by bacteria entering and remaining in the bladder.   E. coli causes more than 75% of UTIs, it multiplies in the bladder every 20 minutes. The more bacteria accumulate in the bladder and the longer it remains there, the more likely you will get a UTI. Several things may be done to treat and prevent urinary tract infections in boys. The GetcareMd gynecologist diagnoses and takes preventative measures by providing doctor prescriptions online. If the boy has an infection, our team may do some or all of the following tests:

Cystoscopy, Renal Ultrasound, and Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG)

What Exactly Are Recurring UTIS?

Some males have UTIs repeatedly; these are known as recurrent UTIs. Recurrent UTIs, especially in children under the age of six, can cause kidney damage if left untreated. It is critical to detect the symptoms of these infections and get treatment for your kid.

What are the signs of a UTI in a child?

A UTI can cause the following symptoms:

  • Urinary discomfort
  • Changes in urination frequency
  • Changes in the look or odor of pee
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Appetite loss
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Lower abdominal discomfort
  • Lower back soreness or pain

Urinary Tract Infections In Boys: What Causes Them?

  • Inadequate water intake
  • Poor genital hygiene
  • Infrequent urination
  • Constipation

How to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections In Boys

Many UTIs may be avoided by routinely changing infants’ diapers, encouraging children to practice basic hygiene, and advising children not to “hold it” when they need to urinate since urine that lingers in the bladder provides a breeding ground for germs. Here are some suggestions for preventing UTIs in boys:

1. Increase your water intake.

Male teens must consume 8 glasses of water daily. Increasing the amount of water in the urine dilutes it, making bacteria growth more difficult. The color of pee in the toilet is a useful approach to guarantee enough water consumption. At each void, the urine should be clear to very pale yellow. Darker urine indicates that the youngster requires more water.

2. Voiding on a Schedule

Even if he doesn’t feel like he needs to go, children should urinate seven times each day, or every two hours while awake. Children who hold their pee and wait until they need to go to the toilet are more likely to get UTIs and other bladder dysfunction issues.

3. Foreskin

If the youngster is not circumcised, he should maintain good genital cleanliness. This entails pulling his foreskin back so he may clean the head of his penis in the shower or bath like he would any other area of his body. Once the cleaning is finished, he must replace the foreskin over the head of the penis. It is also critical that he draws his foreskin back before urinating and then pulls it back over after urinating. If this is not done, urine may become trapped under the foreskin. When urine becomes trapped behind the foreskin, germs can grow and enter the urethra and bladder.

4. Every day, get going

Every day, children should have a soft, easy-to-pass bowel movement. Many youngsters might find relief from constipation by increasing their water intake, fiber (dry fruit, fresh fruit, and veggies), and exercise. If this isn’t enough, adding Miralax® (as prescribed) may help him get through the day. The majority of E. Coli that causes UTIs originates in the bowel.

Follow-Up Care, Treatment, and Safety

Follow-up care is an essential component of urinary tract infection treatment in men. Make online appointments, and if you have any concerns, call our GetcareMd doctors instantly. It’s also a good idea to be aware of your test findings and maintain a record of the medication.

When Should You Seek Help?

• If symptoms such as fever, chills, nausea, or vomiting worsen or develop for the first time, call your doctor or nurse advice line right once.

• You’re experiencing a fresh backache just below your rib cage. This is referred to as flank pain.

• Your urine contains fresh blood or pus.

• Do you have any issues with your antibiotic medication?

Keep a watchful eye on your health and call our GetcareMD’s doctor online:

• You do not feel better after two days on an antibiotic.

• Your symptoms subside but then reappear.

Get online treatment for urinary tract infections in Male Teens today.
